Monday, February 6, 2012


The first stone that I got many years ago was a yellow agate.  The stone disappeared for many years because I forgot the importance and was not able to feel the energy of stones for quite a while.  It reappeared about 3 years ago when my interest in stones returned. 
Agates are truly amazing stones because there are many different types. There are Banded Agates which are typically a light blue.  These help to promote creative analysis and problem solving.  They also promote creative expression of all types. 
The Black Agate is black and brown in color and helps to connect our spiritual chi (life force) to our earthly chi.  These stones help bring spiritual energy into our daily lives and help to ground us to the earth-plane.
Blue Lace Agates are blue/white in color and help to encourage self-expression and speaking out as well as validating our emotional truths. 
Botswana Agate (also called Eye Agate) is brown/white in color and is a great meditation stone.  It is also a psychic balancer, grounds psychic abilities and slows down visions for easier comprehension.   Botswana Agates can also be pink/white in color and works on our heart to help heal old pains, heartaches and heart pain layer by layer.
Bull’s Eye Agate is black/white in color and grounds spiritually.  It helps to manifest spiritually expanded awareness into our focused earth-plane.
Cathedral Agate is orange/white in color and is another good stone for meditation.  This stone is the record keeper of the environments of the Earth. 
Dendritic Agate is green/clear in color and helps to move energy from our outer bodies and chakras into the physical level.  It helps to bring focus on Earth awareness and our service to the planet.
Leopardskin Agate is pink/tan in color and helps to protect the heart chakra by bringing spiritual energy into the heart center to heal heartaches and heartbreak.  It also protects healers from burnout and from getting involved emotionally to those we heal.  I always keep one of these in my pocket when I do a Reiki session because it helps me to not take on any negative energy from the person I’m helping.
Moss Agate is brown/green in color and actually looks like a light tan rock with moss growing on it.  It helps to bring energy from our outer bodies and chakras in the physical level.  What this means (since I mentioned this before) is that it better helps us to use the energy that is within us in a way that will better serve.  This stone aids in incorporating out spirituality into our everyday lives.
Tree Agate is a white/grey-green stone which supports stewardship with the plant realms.  I actually have a tree agate in my flower pot to help my Christmas cactus grow and prosper even in a room with no windows.
These are just a few of the agates available.  There are about 15 other types available.  Agates are very versatile stones and I continue to be amazed by the energy and healing properties that they provide.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Abalone Shell

Abalone is another one of those items that I purchased because I really liked the way it looked.  Most Abalone is found as jewelry rather than as a “stone” or “shell” pictured here.

Very little has been written about this item since it is not a stone.  There is nothing in any of my resource books.  Most of the information that I have was obtained from one of my favorite information websites,

Abalones come from mollusks that have one-piece shells.  The shells themselves are associated with healing, calmness, serenity, nobility and honesty.

The shell is also reported to help stimulate psychic development and intuition.  It also helps to promote imagination.

The Abalone shell has been used by just about every ancient culture.  I’m not sure if that was simply because it was abundant or if it was because of the healing properties of the shell.

This isn’t an item that I have used for healing but as I write this, I realize that it is one of my “stones” that helps to calm my emotions and soothes the beast that can often rage within me.

Abalone is thought to be especially useful for handling and calming the emotions.  Having an Abalone nearby when you are working through an emotional situation with someone is said to be very beneficial and promote cooperation.

Mystical lore states that Abalone helps to relieve arthritis and joint pains as well as muscle problems.  It is also said to help the heart and digestion. 

The package that my shell came in had a small explanation of the healing benefits of the shell.  It stated that the shell is useful for spiritual healing, bringing about tears of joy and floods of emotions. 

Again, I don’t have a lot of experience with using this for healing but I love the way it looks and it does calm me. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Personality of stones

Crystals are an amazing part of the Earth.  Each stone has a "personality" all its own.  For example, if you have a stone but the stone doesn't feel that you need its energy or that you appreciate its properties, it will hide for a while.  Case in point, I had purchased a Rhyolite necklace because I thought the stone was beautiful.  It was set on a copper chain which just really amplified the beauty of the stone.  The properties of a Rhyolite are that it can fortify our self-respect or feeling of self-worth.  It also helps us deal with the stresses of life and helps to make us aware of our own inner strengths.

I purchased the stone on a Saturday and wore it to work on Monday. Apparently, I was not having any problems with my own feelings of self-worth and was not overly stressed that day because my stone disappeared.  I still had the chain around my neck but no stone.  I searched everywhere for the stone during the day and never did find it.

About two weeks later, I was starting to feel like I couldn't do anything right.  It seemed like everything that I did both at work and in my personal life seemed to go wrong. I belong to a monthly gem club where I get three new stones every month.  Amazingly, one of the stones that was featured that month was a Rhyolite so even though I "lost" my stone, I got a replacement when I needed one so desperately.